Why buy a goat in milk?
Each year we offer a very small number of female Alpine goats in their prime. These will be tried and true goats that have kidded and been hand milked. At peak we expect them to give you 2 gallons of delicious, fresh milk a day. Check out our individual listings for available goats.
We raise these goats especially for homesteads, families or goat milk enthusiasts who need a reliable source of goat milk right away. We take out the guesswork and set you up with a goat who is gentle, hardy, kids easily and produces abundant milk.
We raise ADGA registered Alpine goats with high milk production and focusing on breeding for friendly, docile personalities. We raise our goats at 5,000ft above sea level and frequently take them on hikes, as well as raising them around dogs and children and training them to hot fence. Both horned and disbudded goats are available.
We are transparent about the way we raise our goats and are always happy to answer any questions you may have about how we raise our goats and how they’ll thrive on your farm.
If you’re new to goats we are always happy to recommend resources, goat groups and give you a schedule of care that our goats are raised with. We focus on simple, natural rearing methods that are practical and effective in keeping our goats healthy and productive.
Contact me today to get on our waitlist for Alpine goats in milk, as our offering each year is limited to only one or two does.
How much does a doe in milk cost? Does in milk are $600-$700. If you would like to also purchase one or more of your doe’s kids, we can offer a discount if the kid is available.
Do you test the milk for diseases? We can disease test your goat's milk for brucellosis and Q-fever upon request. Montana is a brucellosis-free state.
Does the milk taste "goat-y"? No! Fresh goat milk is creamy and delicious. We chill it quickly and enjoy!
How much milk should I expect a day? 1.5 to 2 gallons a day.
Do I have to milk twice a day? Nope. You can milk once per day as long as you don't change your routine suddenly. For the highest milk production, milk 2x per day and do not "kid-share" (don't allow a baby goat to nurse).
I'm sensitive to cow's milk. Can I drink goat's milk? Maybe! Goat milk is easier to digest and has different proteins. Some people who can't drink cow's milk can drink goat's milk without issue. Please consult your doctor before trying to switch if you have a serious medical condition.