Catholic Names for Christmastime Babies
Babies born at Christmastime remind us in a special way of the birth of our Savior and how Mary must have felt as she saw little Jesus for the first time. Here are baby names that remind us of the joy of the Christmas season:
Girl baby names:
Noel: reminds us of the angels announcing Jesus’ birth with their song
Mary: Jesus’ mother
Belen: meaning Bethlehem in Spanish and Hebrew
Holly: the red berries of this Christmastime greenery symbolize Christ’s blood, the sharp thorns symbolize his crown of thorns and the evergreen leaves symbolize eternal life
Joy: reminds us of the joy of Christ’s birth
Gloria: the angelic song of the angels announcing Christ’s birth
Angelina: a form of “angel” to remind us of the heavenly hosts who announced Christ’s birth
Boy baby names:
Emmanuel: one of the names of Jesus, meaning “God is with us”
Nicholas: for Saint Nicholas
Gabriel: the angel Gabriel spoke to Joseph and Mary several times regarding Jesus’ birth
Joseph: foster father of Jesus and protector of their family
Casper or Jasper: one of the three kings who brought gifts to Jesus, thought to be from India
David: Jesus is in the line of David, which is why he was in Bethlehem, the City of David, for the census
Adam: the first man, whose feast day is Christmas Eve
Stephen: St. Stephen was the first martyr, whose feast day is Dec. 26
I hope you find some inspiration from these names for your Christmas baby! Merry Christmas!